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Subjects of interest
Computational electromagnetism.
Solution of large linear systems.
of quantities obtained during finite element computations.
Works available on HAL (open archive): follow the link.
Papers in journals
- R. Perrussel, L. Nicolas and F. Musy. An efficient
preconditioner for linear systems issued from the finite-element method
for scattering problems. IEEE
Trans. on Mag., 40(2): 1080--1083, March 2004. [ieee][pdf_hal]
- B. Butrylo, F. Musy, L. Nicolas, R. Perrussel, R.
Scorretti and C. Vollaire. A survey of parallel solvers for the finite
element method in computational electromagnetic. COMPEL, 23(2):
531--546, March 2004. [compel][pdf_hal]
- C. Vollaire, F. Musy and R. Perrussel. Post
Processing for the vector finite element method: from edge to nodal
values. COMPEL,
24(4): 1274--1283, April 2005. [compel][pdf_hal]
- N. Burais, L. Nicolas, R. Perrussel, R. Scorretti and N. Siauve. Modélisation des interactions entre les champs
électromagnétiques et les tissus biologiques.
Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, 8(5-6): 679--701,
2005. [rige] (in French)
- F. Musy, L. Nicolas and R. Perrussel. Gradient
prolongation compatibility and graph theory. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Ser. I, 341(11): 707--712, December 2005. [CRMA][pdf_hal]
- R. Perrussel, L. Nicolas, F. Musy, L.
Krähenbühl, M. Schatzman and C. Poignard. Algebraic
multilevel methods for edge elements. IEEE Trans. on Mag.,
42(4): 619--622, April 2006. [ieee][pdf_hal]
- C.
Vollaire, F. Musy and R. Perrussel. Post
processing for the vector finite element method: accurate computing of
dual field. IEEE
Trans. on Mag., 42(4): 619--622, April 2006. [ieee][pdf_hal]
- F. Musy, L. Nicolas and R. Perrussel. Compatible
coarse nodal
and edge elements through energy functionals. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
29(3): 1315--1337. [siam][pdf_hal]
- V. Dolean, S. Lanteri and R. Perrussel. A domain
method for solving the three-dimensional time-harmonic Maxwell
equations discretized by discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of Computational Physics, 227(3): 2044--2072. [jcp][pdf_hal]
- C. Poignard, P. Dular, R. Perrussel, L. Nicolas, L.
Krähenbühl and M. Schatzman. Approximate conditions
replacing thin layers. Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Mag.. [pdf_hal]
- V.
Dolean, S. Lanteri and R. Perrussel. Optimized Schwarz
strategy for solving time-harmonic Maxwell's equations
discretized by a discontinuous Galerkin method. Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Mag.. [pdf_hal]
- D. Voyer, F. Musy, L. Nicolas and R. Perrussel. Probabilistic methods
applied to 2D electromagnetic numerical dosimetry. COMPEL,
27(3). [compel][pdf_hal]
Papers in conference proceedings
- R. Perrussel, L. Nicolas and F. Musy. An
preconditioner for linear systems issued from the finite-element method
for scattering problems. 14th Conference on the Computation of
Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG
2003, 13-17 July 2003, Saratoga Springs (USA).
- R. Perrussel, L. Nicolas and F. Musy.
Un préconditionneur adapté à
l'opérateur rotationnel en éléments
finis. 4th
European Conference on Numerical Methods in Electromagnetism, NUMELEC 2008, 28-30
Octobre 2003, Toulouse (France). (in French)
- F. Musy, L.
Nicolas, R. Perrussel and M. Schatzman.
Preconditioners for finite element method in scattering
problems. 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in
Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2004, 24-28
July 2004, Jyväskylä (Finland). [pdf]
- C. Poignard, M. Schatzman, L. Nicolas, L.
F. Musy and R. Perrussel. Asymptotic estimates of the electric field in
a circular biological cell at low frequencies. 15th Conference on the
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG 2005, 26-30 June
2005, Shenyang (China).
- R. Perrussel, L. Nicolas,
F. Musy, L.
Krähenbühl, M. Schatzman and C. Poignard. Algebraic
multilevel methods for edge elements. 15th Conference on the
of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG 2005, 26-30 Juin
2005, Shenyang (China).
- C. Vollaire, F. Musy and R. Perrussel. Post
processing for the vector finite element method: accurate computing of
dual field. 15th Conference on the Computation
of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG 2005, 26-30 Juin
2005, Shenyang (China).
- V.
Dolean, H. Fol, S. Lanteri and R.
Perrussel. Solution of the time-harmonic Maxwell equations using
discontinuous Galerkin methods. Accepted for publication in the proceedings of the conference ICCAM06.
- V. Dolean, S. Lanteri and R. Perrussel. A domain
strategy for solving time-harmonic Maxwell's equations discretized by a
discontinuous Galerkin method. 16th Conference on the
of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG 2007, 24-28 June
2007, Aachen (Germany).
Other documents (reports, thesis)
- F. Musy, L. Nicolas, R. Perrussel and M.
Compatible coarse nodal and edge elements through energy functionals. Internal report 394 - UMR MAPLY, December 2004. [pdf]
- R.
Perrussel. Méthodes multiniveau algébriques pour
les éléments finis d'arête. Application
l'électromagnétisme. PhD thesis, October 2005. [pdf_tel] (mostly in French)
Talks - Seminars
- Modélisation 3d de dispositifs de chauffage
par micro-ondes. Seminar organized by the
fédération lyonnaise de calcul hautes
performances, June
2004, CECAM, Lyon (France). (in French)
- Méthodes multiniveau pour la
résolution de
systèmes linéaires en
Colloque de la recherche de l'Intergroupe des Ecoles Centrale (Lille,
Lyon, Nantes, Paris), June 2004, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France). (in French)
- Coarse
nodal and edge element through energy functionals.
Seminar at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and
Applied Mathematics (RICAM), April 2005, Linz (Austria).
- Méthode
multiniveau algébrique pour des
systèmes linéaires provenant de
discrétisation par
éléments finis d'arête.
Conference SMAI 2005,
May 2005, Evian (France). [pdf] (in French)
- Méthode multiniveau algébrique pour
éléments finis d'arête.
Seminar for the CAIMAN team (INRIA), September 2005, Sophia Antipolis (France). (in French)
- Méthodes
multiniveau algébriques pour
les éléments finis d'arête. Application
l'électromagnétisme. PhD Defense, 2005/10/27. [pdf] (in French)
- Résolution des systèmes
provenant de la discrétisation des équations de
en régime harmonique par une méthode de Galerkin
discontinu. Talk for the CAIMAN team, 2006/05/30,
Antipolis (France). (in French)
- Modélisation des interactions entre
les champs
électromagnétiques et les tissus biologiques. Special day
"Quelques développements récents du calcul
appliqué à la médecine", 2006/05/22,
ENS Lyon (France). (in French)
- Résolution
des systèmes linéaires provenant
de la discrétisation des
équations de Maxwell en régime harmonique par une
méthode de Galerkin
discontinu. PDE-Numerical Analysis seminar of the
laboratoire J.-A. Dieudonné, 2006/06/29, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France). [pdf] (in French)
- Algebraic
multigrid based on De Rham complexes on graphs with
applications to Maxwell's equations. Talk for the conference ddm17, 2006/07/3, St. Wolfgang/Strobl
(Austria). [pdf]
- Dosimétrie numérique en
électromagnétisme. Talk for the
Groupe de
Travail Numérique, 2007/03/21, Université Paris
Sud (France). [pdf] (in French)
- Hybrid iterative/direct strategies for solving the
three-dimensional time-harmonic Maxwell equations
discretized by discontinuous Galerkin methods. Talk for the conference Preconditioning 2007, 2007/07/12,
Toulouse (France). [pdf]