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Electrical Engineering
Numerical Electromagnetism
Teaching assistant for a second-year course at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon: "Conception de dispositifs
électromagnétiques" (Design of electromagnetic systems).
Electrical Engineering
Teaching assistant for a first-year course at the Ecole
Centrale de Lyon: "Traitement et transformation de l'énergie
électrique" (Basis of electrical engineering).
Signal processing
Teaching assistant for a first-year course at the Ecole Centrale de
Lyon: "Traitement du signal" (Signal processing).
Numerical Analysis
Teaching assistant (2003--2005) for a first-year course at the Ecole Centrale de
Lyon: "Analyse
numérique" (Numerical Analysis).
Teaching assistant (2003--2005) for a second-year course at the Ecole Centrale de
Lyon: "Equations aux dérivées partielles" (Partial Diffential Equations).
Oral interrogations in Mathematics at the Lycée du Parc,
Lyon (for students in a preparatory class for competitive entrance to
the french Grandes Ecoles) in 2002--2003.