
Automatique fréquentielle : des critères graphiques à l’optimisation LMI
G. Scorletti, V. Fromion and S. Font


Recently, a strong evolution occurs in the feedback control using frequency domain
approach. Computer Aided Design tools involving optimisation emerges as an alternative to
traditional tuning based on frequency diagrams as Bode, Black and so one. Benefits are impressive:
direct investigation of possible trade-offs, precise analysis of uncertainty effects and
so one. This evolution does not happen by chance: it is the result of a rigorous formulation
of classical concepts of automatic control. These results mainly focus on linear time invariant
systems with the so called H1 approach: its extension to nonlinear systems is under progress
with the incremental norm approach. This paper purpose is to illustrate different aspects of this
evolution in a non formal way.


Published In RS - JESA – 37/2003. Analyse et commande systèmes, pages 161 à 185
