
Filter design under magnitude constraints is a finite dimensional convex optimization problem
L. Rossignol, G. Scorletti and V. Fromion


We consider the design of filters satisfying upper and lower bounds on the frequency response
magnitude, in the continuous and discrete time domains. The paper contribution is to
prove that such a problem is equivalent to a finite dimensional convex optimization program
involving Linear Matrix Inequality contraints. At now, such optimization problems
can be efficiently solved. Note that this filter design problem is usually reduced to a
semi infinite dimensional Linear Programming optimization problem under the additional
assumption that the filter poles are fixed (for instance, when considering FIR design).
Furthermore, the semi infinite dimensional optimization is practically solved, using a gridding
approach on the frequency. In addition to be finite dimensional, our formulation allows to
set or not the filter poles. Numerical applications emphasize the interest of the proposed results.


Published In 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3575-3580,
Orlando, Florida USA, December 2001. accepted to IJNRC, 2003.
