Book chapters

F. Mieyeville, M. Brière, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot and G. Jacquemod, "A VHDL-AMS library of hierarchical optoelectronic device models," in Languages for System Specification and Verification, C. Grimm, Ed., 2004, pp. 145-161, Kluwer Academic Publishers

I. O’Connor and F. Gaffiot, "Advanced research in on-chip optical interconnects," in Low power electronics design, C. Piguet, Ed., 2004, CRC Press

I. O’Connor and F. Gaffiot, "On-chip optical interconnect for low-power," in Ultra-low power electronics and design, E. Macii, Ed., 2004, Kluwer Academic Publishers

I. O'Connor, F. Tissafi-Drissi, G. Revy, and F. Gaffiot, "UML/XML-based approach to hierarchical AMS synthesis," in Advances in Specification and Design Languages for SoCs, ed. A. Vachoux, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006

J. Gautier, I. O'Connor, "Intégration tridimensionnelle," in Synthèse de l'année 2007 - Nanocomposants : Les avancées de l'année 2007, pp. 35-36, ed. S. Fontanell, Observatoire des Micro et NanoTechnologies, 2008

I. O'Connor, I. Hassoune, X. Yang, D. Navarro, "Logic circuit design with DGMOS devices," in Double-Gate Devices: Technology and Design, ed. A. Amara, O. Rozeau, Springer, 2008 (in press)

P. Freitas, D. Navarro, I. O'Connor, G. Billiot, H. Lapuyade, J.-B. Begueret, "Analog circuits design," in Double-Gate Devices: Technology and Design, ed. A. Amara, O. Rozeau, Springer, 2008 (in press)

I. O'Connor, "Platform for model-based design of integrated multi-technology systems," in Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems, ed. P. Mostermann, G. Nicolescu, CRC Press, 2008 (in press)

Articles published in refereed publications (journals)

F. Gaffiot, K. Vuorinen, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor and G. Jacquemod, "Behavioral modeling for hierarchical simulation of optronic systems," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems - II. Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1316-1322, October 1999

B. Stefanelli, I. O’Connor, L. Quiquerez, A. Kaiser and D. Billet, "An analog beam-forming circuit for ultrasound imaging using switched-current delay lines," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 202-211, February 2000

I. O’Connor and A. Kaiser, "Automated synthesis of switched-current cells," IEEE Trans. Computer Aided Design, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 413-424, April 2000

P. Bontoux, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot, X. Letartre and G. Jacquemod, "Behavioral modeling and simulation of optical integrated devices," "Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing", vol.29, issue 1/2, pp.37-47, October 2001

G. Tosik, F. Gaffiot, Z. Lisik, I. O’Connor and F. Tissafi-Drissi, "Power dissipation in optical and metallic clock distribution networks in new VLSI technologies," El. Lett., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 198-200, 5 February 2004

A. Kazmierczak, M. Brière, E. Drouard, P. Bontoux, P. Rojo-Romeo, I. O’Connor, X. Letartre, F. Gaffiot, R. Orobtchouk, T. Benyattou, "Design, Simulation and Characterization of a Passive Optical Add-Drop Filter in Silicon-On-Insulator Technology," IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., 17(7), pp. 1447–1449, July 2005

J. Liu, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Design of a Novel CNTFET-based Reconfigurable Logic Gate," Electronics Letters, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 514-516, 26 April 2007

I. O'Connor, F. Tissafi-Drissi, F. Gaffiot, J. Dambre, M. De Wilde, D. Stroobandt, J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, "Systematic Simulation-Based Predictive Synthesis of Integrated Optical Interconnect," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 927-940, August 2007

A. Kazmierczak, E. Drouard, M. Brière, P. Rojo-Romeo, X. Letartre, I. O'Connor, F. Gaffiot, Z. Lisik, "Optimization of an integrated optical crossbar in SOI technology for optical networks on chip," Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 3/2007, pp. 109-114, September 2007

I. O'Connor, J. Liu, F. Gaffiot, F. Prégaldiny, C. Lallement, C. Maneux, J. Goguet, S. Frégonèse, T. Zimmer, L. Anghel, T. Dang, R. Leveugle, "CNTFET Modeling and Reconfigurable Logic Circuit Design," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems - I. Regular Papers, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 2365-2379, November 2007

I. Hassoune, I. O'Connor, "Double-Gate MOSFET Based Reconfigurable Cells," Electronics Letters, vol. 43, no. 23, pp. 1273-1274, 8 November 2007

I. Hassoune, X. Yang, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, "Ultra-Low Power Full Adder Circuit Using SOI Double-Gate MOSFET Devices," Electronics Letters, accepted for publication

Invited articles published in refereed international conference proceedings

I. O’Connor, "EDA Tools and Methods for Synthesis of Analog, Mixed-Signal and Mixed-Domain Integrated Systems," Summer School of Microelectronics, Lodz (Pologne), 25-28 septembre 2002

I. O’Connor, "Interconnexions optiques intégrées pour les systèmes sur puce," Microsystèmes à coeur optique, Marseille, 5 février 2004

I. O’Connor, "Invited Talk: Optical solutions for system-level interconnect," System-Level Interconnect Prediction, pp. 79-88, Paris, France 14-15 February 2004

C. Piguet, J. Gautier, C. Heer, I. O’Connor, U. Schlichtmann, "Extremely Low-Power Logic," Design Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 656-661, Paris, France, 16-20 February 2004

I. O’Connor, M. Brière, E. Drouard, A. Kazmierczak, F. Tissafi-Drissi, D. Navarro, F. Mieyeville, J. Dambre, D. Stroobandt, J.-M. Fedeli, Z. Lisik, F. Gaffiot, "Towards reconfigurable optical networks on chip," Reconfigurable Communication Centric SoCs, Montpellier, France, 27-29 June 2005

F. Gaffiot, M. Brière, E. Drouard, A. Kazmierczak, D. Navarro, F. Mieyeville, G. Tosik, Z. Lisik, I. O’Connor, "Network on Chip: An Optical Alternative?" Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 10-13 July 2005

I. O'Connor, F. Tissafi-Drissi, D. Navarro, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, J. Dambre, M. De Wilde, D. Stroobandt, M. Brière, "Integrated optical interconnect for on-chip data transport," IEEE-NEWCAS Conference, June 18-21, 2006, Gatineau, Canada

I. O'Connor, J. Liu, F. Gaffiot, "CNTFET-based logic circuit design," IEEE Int. Conf. Design & Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, Tunis, Tunisia, 5-7 Septembre 2006

I. O'Connor, B. Courtois, K. Chakrabarty, N. Delorme, M. Hampton, J. Hartung, "Heterogeneous Systems on Chip and Systems in Package," Design Automation and Test in Europe, Nice, France, 16-20 April 2007

Ian O'Connor, Hervé Charlery, "Synthesis of physically heterogeneous systems on chip," IEEE-MWSCAS/NEWCAS Conference, August 5-8, 2007, Montreal, Canada, pp. 634-637

I. O'Connor, J. Liu, D. Navarro, I. Hassoune, S. Burignat, F. Gaffiot, "Ultra-fine grain reconfigurability using CNTFETs," IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 11-14 December 2007, Marrakech, Morocco

I. O'Connor, J. Liu, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic Gate Cells and Matrices using CNTFETs," IEEE International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, 26-28 March 2008, Tozeur, Tunisia

F. Gaffiot, I. O'Connor, "Integrated optical interconnects: what could be possible?" 12th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, 12-15 May 2008, Avignon, France

I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, A. Scandurra, G. Nicolescu, "Can integrated photonics solve MPSoC interconnect issues?" Int. VLSI/ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference, 27-30 October 2008, Fremont (CA), USA

Articles published in refereed international conference proceedings

I. O’Connor, A. Kaiser, "Automated design of switched-current cells," in Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 477-480, Santa-Clara (USA), May 1998

B. Stefanelli, I. O’Connor, L. Quiquerez, A. Kaiser, D. Billet, "An analog beam-forming circuit using switched-current delay lines," in Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference, pp. 300-303, The Hague (Netherlands), Sep. 1998

P. Bontoux, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot and G. Jacquemod, "Design and optimization of passive components for optical interconnects," in Proc. DTIP’2000, Paris, May 9-11, 2000.

P. Bontoux, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot and G. Jacquemod, "Design and optimization of optical links based on VHDL-AMS modeling," in Proc. BMAS’2000, pp.62-67, Orlando, FL, USA, October 19-20, 2000

F. Mieyeville, G. Jacquemod, I. O’Connor and F. Gaffiot, "Behavioral modeling of short distance optical interconnects," in SPIE Proc. ISMA 2000, vol. 4228, no. 2, pp 1-8, Singapore, Nov. 27 – Dec. 2, 2000.

I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville, F. Tissafi-Drissi and F. Gaffiot, "Exploration paramétrique d'amplificateurs de transimpédance CMOS à bande passante maximisée," Proc. Colloque sur le Traitement Analogique de l'Information, du Signal et ses Applications, Paris, septembre 2002

M. Brière, F. Gaffiot, I. O’Connor and L. Carrel, "Integration of an FDTD algorithm in an electronic design framework," in Proc. 5th International Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics, pp. 21-26, Halifax, Canada, 17-19 June 2003

F. Tissafi-Drissi, I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville and F. Gaffiot, "Design methodologies for high-speed CMOS photoreceiver front-ends," Proc. 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design, pp. 323-328, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 8-11 September 2003

G. Tosik, F. Gaffiot, Z. Lisik, I. O’Connor and F. Tissafi-Drissi, "Optical versus metallic interconnections for clock distribution networks in new VLSI technologies," in Proc. 13th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, pp. 461-470, Torino, Italy, 10-12 September 2003

G. Tosik, F. Gaffiot, Z. Lisik and I. O’Connor, "Optical versus Electrical Clock System in Future VLSI Technologies," in Proc. IEEE International SOC Conference, pp. 261-262, Portland, USA, 17-20 September 2003

F. Mieyeville, M. Brière, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot and G. Jacquemod, "A VHDL-AMS library of hierarchical optoelectronic device models," in Proc. Forum on Specification and Design Languages, pp. 7-18, Frankfurt, Germany, 23-26 September 2003

F. Tissafi-Drissi, I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville and F. Gaffiot, "Hierarchical synthesis of high-speed CMOS photoreceiver front-ends using a multi-domain behavioral description language," Proc. Forum on Specification and Design Languages, pp. 151-162, Frankfurt, Germany, 23-26 September 2003

F. Tissafi-Drissi, I. O’Connor, F. Mieyeville, G. Tosik and F. Gaffiot, "Méthodologie de conception d’un photo-récepteur CMOS à haut-débit," in Proc. Colloque sur le Traitement Analogique de l’Information, du Signal et ses Applications, pp. 119-122, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 25-26 septembre 2003

I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville, F. Tissafi-Drissi, G. Tosik and F. Gaffiot, "Predictive Design Space Exploration of Maximum Bandwidth CMOS Photoreceiver Preamplifiers," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 14-17 December 2003

F. Tissafi-Drissi, I. O'Connor and F. Gaffiot, "RUNE: Platform for automated design of integrated multi-domain systems. Application to high-speed CMOS photoreceiver front-ends," Proc. Design Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 16-21, Paris, France, 16-20 February 2004

M. Brière, L. Carrel, T.Michalke, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor and F. Gaffiot, "Design and behavioural modelling tools for optical networks on chip," in Proc. Design Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 738-739, Paris, France, 16-20 February 2004

E. Drouard, M. Brière, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor, X. Letartre and F. Gaffiot, "Optical Network On-chip Multi-Domain modeling using SystemC," in Proc. Forum on Specification and Design Languages, pp. 123–134, Lille, France, September 2004

M. Brière, E. Drouard, F. Tissafi-Drissi, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor and F.Gaffiot, "SystemC modeling of an Optical Network-on-Chip using VCI protocol," in Proc. GSPx, Santa Clara, CA, USA, September 2004

A. Kazmierczak,M. Brière, E. Drouard, P. Rojo-Romeo, I. O’Connor, X. Letartre and F.Gaffiot, "Design and characterisation of optical networks on chip," in Proc. European Conference on Integrated Optics, Grenoble, France, April 2005

E. Drouard, M. Brière, A. Kazmierczak, X. Letartre, I. O’Connor and F.Gaffiot, "Phenomenological modelling of WDM crossbars based on channel drop filters," in Proc. International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Grenoble, France, April 2005

M. Brière, E. Drouard, F. Mieyeville, D. Navarro, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot, "Heterogeneousmodelling of an optical network on chip with SystemC," in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, pp. 10-16,Montreal, Canada, 8-10 June 2005

M. Owczarek, I. O'Connor, "Program RUNE as an Example of Usage of Computers in Optimization Processes," International Conference Microtherm, Lodz (Poland), 19-22 June 2005

I. O'Connor, F. Tissafi-Drissi, G. Revy, F. Gaffiot, "UML/XML-based approach to hierarchical AMS synthesis" Proc. Forum on Design Languages, Lausanne, Suisse, September 27-30 2005

D. Navarro, D. Ramat, F. Mieyeville, I. O'Connor, F. Gaffiot, "VHDL & VHDL-AMS modeling and simulation of a CMOS imager IP," Proc. Forum on Design Languages, pp. 179-182, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 27-30 2005

D. Navarro, M. Brière, Ian O'Connor, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, L. Carrel, "Quantitative study of area and power consumption costs for 3 Gbits/s optical communications in a 0.13µm CMOS circuit," 20th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 November 2005

B. Payet, P. Vincent, I. O'Connor, F. Gaffiot, "A fully-integrated 60 GHz VCO in l3Onm SOI-CMOS on high-resistivity substrate," Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), pp. 105-108, Otranto (Lecce), Italy, 12-15 June 2006

S. Dia, F. Mieyeville, I. O'Connor, F. Gaffiot, "Modeling and simulation of radiofrequency circuit blocks for performance evaluation in a system-on-chip context," Int. Symp. on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Calgary, Canada, July 31-August 2, 2006

S. Dia, F. Mieyeville, I. O'Connor, F. Gaffiot, "Radio-frequency link modelling and simulation in a system-on-chip context," European Modelling Symposium, London, United Kingdom, 11-12 September 2006

M. Owczarek, G. Tosik, Z. Lisik, I. O'Connor, "Optimization of the On-Chip Optical Receivers," IXth International Conference CADSM, pp. 130-133, Polyana (Ukraine), 20-24 February 2007

Matthieu Brière, Bruno Girodias, Youcef Bouchebaba, Gabriela Nicolescu, Fabien Mieyeville, Frédéric Gaffiot, Ian O'Connor, "System Level Assessment of an Optical NoC in an MPSoC Platform," Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Nice, France, 16-20 April 2007

J. Liu, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Design of a Novel CNTFET-based Reconfigurable Logic Gate," IEEE Symp. VLSI, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 9-11 May 2007

J. Liu, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Novel CNTFET-based Reconfigurable Logic Gate Design," Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Diego, CA, USA, 4-8 June 2007

M. Brière, L. Gheorghe, G. Nicolescu, I. O'Connor, "Formalisation of Optical Networks on Chip using DEVS Formalism," Summer Computer Simulation Conference, 14-19 Juillet 2007, San Diego, Ca, USA

J. Liu, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Design of a Family of Novel CNTFET-based Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic Gates," IEEE-MWSCAS/NEWCAS Conference, August 5-8, 2007, Montreal, Canada, pp. 698-701

I. Hassoune, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, "On the performance of Double-Gate MOSFET circuit applications," IEEE-MWSCAS/NEWCAS Conference, August 5-8, 2007, Montreal, Canada, pp. 558-561

M. Brière, B. Girodias, Y. Bouchebaba, G. Nicolescu, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, I. O'Connor, "Architectural Exploration of Optical and Electrical Interconnects in MPSoC," IEEE-MWSCAS/NEWCAS Conference, August 5-8, 2007, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1469-1472

M. Brière, L. Gheorghe, G. Nicolescu, I. O'Connor, "Towards the High-Level Design of Optical Networks-on-Chip: Formalization of Opto-Electrical Interfaces," IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 11-14 December 2007, Marrakech, Morocco

I. Hassoune, X. Yang, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, "Using SOI Double-Gate MOSFET NDR Structures to Improve Ultra-Low Power Full Adder Performance," IEEE-NEWCAS/TAISA Conference, June 22-25, 2008, Montreal, Canada

I. Hassoune, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, "Design of a Family of Gate-level Reconfigurable Logic Cells Based on Double-Gate MOSFETs," 16th IFIP/IEEE Int. Conf. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), October 13-15 2008, Rhodes Island, Greece

J. Liu, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro and F. Gaffiot, "Dynamically reconfigurable CNTFET logic cell matrix programming methods," 16th IFIP/IEEE Int. Conf. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), October 13-15 2008, Rhodes Island, Greece

I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, A. Scandurra, G. Nicolescu, "Reduction methods for adapting optical network on chip topologies to specific routing applications," Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), November 12-14 2008, Grenoble, France

Workshop presentations

I. O’Connor, A. Kaiser, "Synthèse de circuits à courants commutés," in Proc. Colloque CAO de Circuits Intégrés et Systèmes, pp. 2–5, Villard-de-Lans, janvier 1997

G. Jacquemod, I. O'Connor, F. Gaffiot, "Microelectronics education and research at Ecole Centrale de Lyon," SAME 98, Sophia Antipolis, October 29th 1998

F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, I. O’Connor and G. Jacquemod, "Modélisation comportementale de liens optiques pour des interconnexions à courte distance ," in Proc. Colloque CAO de Circuits Intégrés et Systèmes, pp. 209–212, Aix en Provence, mai 1999

F. Gaffiot, G. Jacquemod, P. Bontoux, F. Mieyeville, I. O'Connor, "Behavioral modeling of photonic and optronic systems," 2nd CFDRC Workshop on MEMS Simulation Technology, Berlin, June 1999

F. Mieyeville, G.Jacquemod, F.Gaffiot, I. O'Connor, "Modèle thermo-opto-électronique de VCSEL pour la simulation de liens optiques pour des interconnexions à courte distance," 3émes Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de Microélectronique, Montpellier, 4-5 Mai 2000

F. Mieyeville, F.Gaffiot, I. O'Connor, G.Jacquemod, "Modélisation d'un lien optique inter et intra puce à haut débit," 11èmes Rencontres Régionales de la Recherche, Saint Etienne, 20 septembre 2000

M. Brière, F. Gaffiot, I. O’Connor and F. Mieyeville, "Modélisation comportementale d’un détecteur de fluorescence," in Proc. 7èmes Journées Pédagogiques du CNFM, Saint Malo, novembre 2002

F. Tissafi-Drissi, I. O'Connor, F. Mieyeville and F. Gaffiot, "Sur l'utilisation de la logique floue dans la synthèse de circuits analogiques" Actes 7èmes Journées Pédagogiques du CNFM, Saint Malo, novembre 2002

F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, I. O'Connor, J. Oudinot , P. Raynaud and F Mkalech, "VCSEL-based Optical Communication Link Simulation using VHDL-AMS," DATE 2003, Exhibition Forum, Session X

M. Brière, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor and F. Gaffiot, "Un réseau d’interconnexion optique passif basé sur le routage en longueur d’onde," in Proc. Symposium en Architecture et Adéquation Algorithme Architecture, pp. 425-432, La Colle-sur-Loup, France, 15-17 octobre 2003

E. Drouard, M. Brière, X. Letartre, F. Mieyeville, I. O’Connor, F. Gaffiot, "Modélisation phénoménologique de réseaux WDM sur puce," in Proc. Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée, Paris, octobre 2004

M. Brière, T. Michalke, I. O’Connor, F. Mieyeville, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Modélisation de composants photoniques sous Matlab et VHDL-AMS pour la simulation de réseaux optiques sur puce," in Proc. 8èmes Journées Pédagogiques du CNFM, Saint Malo, décembre 2004

M. Le Helley, F. Mieyeville, D. Navarro, I. O’Connor, "Conception d’un microprocesseur RISC," in Proc. 8èmes Journées Pédagogiques du CNFM, Saint Malo, décembre 2004

I. O'Connor, F. Tissafi-Drissi, D. Navarro, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, J. Dambre, M. De Wilde, D. Stroobandt, D. Van Thourhout, "Optical interconnect for on-chip data communication" (invited) DATE Workshop on Future Interconnect and Networks on Chip, Munich, Germany, 10 March 2006

W. Heirman, J. Dambre, I. O'Connor, J. Van Campenhout, "Reconfigurable Optical Networks for On-Chip Multiprocessors," DATE Workshop on Future Interconnect and Networks on Chip, Munich, Germany, 10 March 2006

I. O'Connor, P. Garda, "Plate-forme STIC RFVSOC," 3rd workshop CNRS RECAP, Lyon, 17 novembre 2006

J. Liu, I. O'Connor, D. Navarro, F. Gaffiot, "Reconfigurable computing with emerging devices," Keio-ECL Nanoworkshop, Ecully, 24 novembre 2006

I. O'Connor, "Gate-level reconfigurability using asymmetric double-gate MOSFET devices," Keio-ECL Nanoworkshop, Yokohama, 5 November 2007

Seminar lectures and tutorials

I. O'Connor, "Le Laboratoire d'Electronique, Optoélectronique et Microsystèmes de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon," Escola Polytechnica de l'Université de Sao Paolo, 12 septembre 2003

I. O'Connor, "Interconnexions Optiques Intégrées", Action Spécifique "SOC et Nouvelles Technologies" (RTP SOC), Paris, 10 décembre 2003

E. Belhaire, P. Desgreys, P. Fouillat, P. Garda, Y. Hervé and I. O'Connor, "SOC AMS", Workshop RTP SOC, La Londe les Maures, 18 mai 2004

E. Belhaire, N. Drach-Temam, P. Garda and I. O'Connor, "SOC et Nouvelles Technologies", Workshop RTP SOC, La Londe les Maures, 18 mai 2004

I. O'Connor, "Interconnexions optiques intégrées", LIRMM, Montpellier, 11 février 2005

I. O'Connor, "Heterogeneous Systems on Chip: Design methodologies and integrated optical interconnect," Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, 5 décembre 2005

I. O'Connor, X. Letartre, "L'Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon," Observatoire des Micronanotechnologies, July 2007

I. O'Connor, "Conception de cellules reconfigurables à base de composants avancés et émergents," Séminaire L2MP, Marseille, 6 décembre 2007

I. O'Connor, "Reconfigurable cells based on advanced and emerging double gate devices," Séminaire ReSMiQ / Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, 18 January 2008

I. O'Connor, D. Van Thourhout, J.-M. Fedeli, A. Scandurra, "Process and design technology for on-chip optical interconnect," Int. VLSI/ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference, 27-30 October 2008, Fremont (CA), USA


I. O'Connor, I. Hassoune, "Cellule logique reconfigurable à base de transistors MOSFET double grille," French patent n° 07 56487, 13th July 2007


I. O'Connor, "D/A Converter structures based on Josephson contacts" (in German), Master Thesis, University of Karlsruhe, 1992, 82 p.

I. O'Connor, "Automated design of switched-current cells", Doctoral Thesis, University of Lille I, 1997, 224 p.

I. O'Connor, "Systèmes sur puce physiquement hétérogènes : Méthodologies de conception et Systèmes optiques d'interconnexion" (in French), Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2005, 142 p.