Stéphane Derrode¶
Full Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science Department
- address: 2nd stair - E6 building. 36 av. Guy de Collongue - 69134 Ecully Cedex - France
- mail: stephane[dot]derrode[at]ec[dash]lyon[dot]fr
- phone: 04 72 18 64 45, fax: 04 72 18 64 43
- Head of the Imagine team, with Stefan Duffner.
- Research keywords: Markov models, Unsupervised learning, Image segmentation, Time series filtering, Object tracking, Activity recognition.
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Curriculum Vitæ¶
French CV (May 2018), English CV (March 2021)
- 2020- : Head of Imagine team
- 2014- : Full Professor, École Centrale de Lyon
- 2001-2013 : Associate Professor, École Centrale Marseille
- 2000-2001 : Post doc at ITI department, Telecom Bretagne (now IMT Atlantic)
- 1996-1999 : Ph.D. degree in Image and Signal Processing, from Rennes 1 University
- 1992-1996 : Eng. degree in Telecommunications, from Telecom Lille (now IMT Nord Europe)