Jean-Pierre Cloarec revenir à l’accueil
Liste des publications au 12 mai 2009
[1-21] [22] [23-26] [27-52]
Articles scientifiques dans revues internationales avec comité de lecture
[1] Cloarec, J. P., Chevolot, Y., Laurenceau, E., Phaner-Goutorbe, M., Souteyrand, E., A multidisciplinary approach for molecular diagnostics based on biosensors and microarrays, ITBM-RBM 2008, 29, 105.
[2] Mazurczyk, R., El Khoury, G., Dugas, V., Hannes, B., Laurenceau, E., Cabrera, M., Krawczyk, S., Souteyrand, E., Cloarec, J. P., Chevolot, Y., Low-cost, fast prototyping method of fabrication of the microreactor devices in soda-lime glass, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2008, 128, 552.
[3] Raynal, F., Beuf, A., Plaza, F., Scott, J., Carrière, P., Cabrera, M., Cloarec, J. P., Souteyrand, E., Towards better DNA chip hybridization using chaotic advection, Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 2007, 19, 017112.
[4] Maalouf, R., Fournier-Wirth, C., Coste, J., Chebib, H., Saïkali, Y., Vittori, O., Errachid, A., Cloarec, J. P., Martelet, C., Jaffrezic-Renault, N., Label-Free Detection of Bacteria by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Comparison to Surface Plasmon Resonance, Analytical Chemistry 2007, 79, 4879-4886.
[5] Chevolot, Y., Bouillon, C., Vidal, S., Morvan, F., Meyer, A., Cloarec, J.-P., Jochum, A., Praly, J.-P., Vasseur, J.-J., Souteyrand, E., DNA-based Carbohydrate Biochips: A Platform for Surface Glyco-engineering, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2007, 46, 1-6.
[6] Jaffrezic-Renault, N., Martelet, C., Chevolot, Y., Cloarec, J. P., Biosensors and Bio-Bar Code Assays Based on Biofunctionalized Magnetic Microbeads, Sensors 2007, 7, 589-614.
[7] Bouillon, C., Meyer, A., Vidal, S., Jochum, A., Chevolot, Y., Cloarec, J. P., Praly, J. P., Vasseur, J. J., Morvan, F., Microwave assisted "click" chemistry for the synthesis of multiple labeled-carbohydrate oligonucleotides on solid support, Journal of Organic Chemistry 2006, 71, 4700-4702.
[8] Raynal, F., Plaza, F., Beuf, A., Carrière, P., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Cloarec, J. P., Cabrera, M., Micromélangeur à advection chaotique pour l'hybridation des puces à ADN, La Houille Blanche 2006, 2, 78-82.
[9] Bres, J. C., Merieux, Y., Dugas, V., Broutin, J., Vnuk, E., Jaber, M., Rigal, D., Martin, J. R., Souteyrand, E., Cabrera, M., Cloarec, J. P., New method for DNA microarrays development: applied to human platelet antigens polymorphisms, Biomed Microdevices 2005, 7, 137-41.
[10] Soultani-Vigneron, S., Dugas, V., Rouillat, M. H., Fédollière, J., Duclos, M. C., Vnuk, E., Phaner-Goutorbe, M., Bulone, V., Cabrera, M., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Wallach, J., Cloarec, J. P., Immobilisation of oligopeptidic probes for microarray implementation: characterisation by FTIR, Atomic Force Microscopy and 2D fluorescence, Journal of Chromatography B 2005.
[11] Bessueille, F., Dugas, V., Vikulov, V., Cloarec, J. P., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Assessment of porous silicon substrate for well-characterised sensitive DNA chip implement, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2005, 21, 908-916.
[12] Raynal, F., Plaza, F., Beuf, A., Carrière, P., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Cloarec, J. P., Cabrera, M., Study of a chaotic mixing system for DNA chip hybridization chambers, Physics of Fluids 2004, 16, 63-66.
[13] Bras, M., Dugas, V., Bessueille, F., Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., Cabrera, M., Chauvet, J. P., Souteyrand, E., Garrigues, M., Optimisation of a silicon/silicon dioxide substrate for a fluorescence DNA microarray, Biosens Bioelectron 2004, 20, 797-806.
[14] Cabrera, M., Jaber, M., Dugas, V., Broutin, J., Vnuk, E., Cloarec, J. P., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Implementation of DNA chips obtained by microprojection for diagnostic and personalized medicine, Cellular and Molecular Biology 2004, 50, 225-32.
[15] Calevro, F., Charles, H., Reymond, N., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J. P., Bernillon, J., Rahbé, Y., Febvay, G., Fayard, J. M., Assessment of 35mer amino-modified oligonucleotide based microarray with bacterial samples, Journal of Microbiological Methods 2004, 57, 207-218.
[16] Cloarec, J. P., Deligianis, N., Martin, J. R., Lawrence, I., Souteyrand, E., Polychronakos, C., Lawrence, M. F., Immobilization of homooligonucleotide probe layers onto Si/SiO2 substrates: characterization by electrochemical impedance measurements and radiolabelling, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2002, 17, 405.
[17] Souteyrand, E., Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., Cabrera, M., Bras, M., Chauvet, J. P., Dugas, V., Bessueille, F., Use of microtechnology for DNA chips implementation, Applied Surface Science 2000, 164, 246.
[18] Bras, M., Cloarec, J. P., Bessueille, F., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Chauvet, J. P., Control of immobilization and hybridization on DNA chips by fluorescence spectroscopy, Journal of Fluorescence 2000, 10, 247-254.
[19] Souteyrand, E., Chen, C., Cloarec, J. P., Nesme, X., Simonet, P., Navarro, I., Martin, J. R., Comparaison between the electrochemical and optoelectrochemical impedance measurement for the detection of DNA hybridization, Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2000, 89, 246-251.
[20] Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., Polychronakos, C., Lawrence, I., Lawrence, M. F., Souteyrand, E., Functionalization of Si/SiO2 substrates with homooligonucleotides for a DNA biosensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 1999, 58, 394.
[21] Souteyrand, E., Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., Wilson, C., Lawrence, I., Mikkelsen, S., Lawrence, M. F., Direct detection of the hybridization of specific DNA sequences by field effect, Journal of Physical Chemistry 1997, 101, 2980-2985.
Chapitre de livre invité
[22] Jaffrezic-Renault, N., Martelet, C., Chevolot, Y., Cloarec, J. P., in Colloidal Particles in Micro & Nano-Biotechnologies (Ed.: A. Elaissari), Wiley, 2008.
Brevets nationaux et internationaux
[23] Cabrera, M., Martin, J. R., Souteyrand, E., Jezequel, J. Y., Jaber, M., Bessueille, F., Cloarec, J. P., Procédé et dispositif de fabrication d’un support porteur d’une pluralité de séquences polynucléotidiques et / ou peptidiques différentes, France, patent number 2798675, 1999 00/09/1999.
[24] Bennetau, B., Bousbaa, J., Choplin, F., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Cloarec, J. P., « Procédés de synthèse et d’immobilisation d’acides nucléiques sur un support solide silanisé », France, patent number 2804129, 2000 20/01/2000.
[25] Cabrera, M., Jaber, M., Cloarec, J. P., Broutin, J., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Procédé et machine de fabrication ex situ de réseaux de Biopuces basse et moyenne intégration, France, patent number 2827199, 2001 10/07/2001.
Conférences nationales et internationales
[27] El Khoury, G., Laurenceau, E., Dugas, V., Chevolot, Y., Mérieux, Y., Duclos, M. C., Souteyrand, E., Rigal, D., Wallach, J., Cloarec, J. P., in Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 1 (Ed.: IEEE), IEEE Service Center, Lyon, 2007, pp. 2242-2246.
[28] El Khoury, G., Mérieux, Y., Duclos, M. C., Dugas, V., Laurenceau, E., Rigal, D., Wallach, J., Chevolot, Y., Cloarec, J. P., in Journées Nanosciences et nanotechnologie Rhône Alpes 2005, Lyon, 2005.
[29] Cloarec, J. P., Dugas, V., Vigneron, S., Fédolière, J., Duclos, M. C., Vnuk, E., Cabrera, M., Souteyrand, E., Bulone, V., Wallach, J., Martin, J. R., in Society for Biochromatography and Nanoseparations, 9th international symposium on Biochromatography, "From Nanoseparations to Macropurifications". 2005.
[30] El Khoury, G., Hazot, P., Bou Chakra, E., Duclos, M. C., Chevolot, Y., Cabrera, M., Souteyrand, E., Laurenceau, E., Wallach, J., Cloarec, J. P., in 1st Symposium of Analytical Chemistry and Biology: From molecule to proteome, Montpellier, 2005.
[31] Bou Chakra, E., N'Djin, A., Hazot, P., Hannes, B., Duclos, M. C., Wallach, J., Cloarec, J. P., Cabrera, M., in Journées Nanosciences et nanotechnologie Rhône Alpes 2005, Lyon, 2005.
[32] Hazot, P., Bou Chakra, E., Duclos, M. C., Cabrera, M., Martin, J. R., Wallach, J., Cloarec, J. P., in 19e Journées surfaces et interfaces (JSI), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2005.
[33] Courtois, V., Goosens, M., Jaber, M., Dugas, V., Broutin, J., Souteyrand, E., Vnuk, E., Cloarec, J. P., in 19e Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Lyon, 2005.
[34] Chevolot, Y., Mazurczyk, R., Dugas, V., El Khoury, G., Hannes, B., Cabrera, M., Krawczyk, S., Cloarec, J. P., in Journées Nanosciences et nanotechnologie Rhône Alpes 2005, Lyon, 2005.
[35] Vnuk, E., De La Teysonniere, B., Guarrigues, M., Cloarec, J. P., in 19e Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Lyon, 2005.
[36] Dugas, V., Bessueille, F., Broutin, J., Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., Cabrera, M., Souteyrand, E., in Biosensors 2004, Grenade - Espagne, 2004.
[37] Jaber, M., Dugas, V., Vnuk, E., Cabrera, M., Martin, J. R., Cloarec, J. P., Souteyrand, E., in Biosensors 2004, Grenade - Espagne, 2004.
[38] Bres, J. C., Merieux, Y., Jaber, M., Dugas, V., Vnuk, E., Rigal, D., Martin, J. R., Souteyrand, E., Cabrera, M., Cloarec, J. P., in International Forum on Biochip Technologies, Pékin - Chine, 2004.
[39] Vnuk, E., De La Teysonniere, B., Bres, J. C., Soultani-Vigneron, S., Guarrigues, M., Martin, J. R., Cabrera, M., Rigal, D., Mrieux, Y., Cloarec, J. P., in Bioarrays Europe 2004, Brighton, Grande-Bretagne, 2004.
[40] Raynal, F., Plaza, F., Beuf, A., Carrière, P., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Cloarec, J. P., Cabrera, M., in 2ème Congrès Français de Microfluidique, Toulouse, 2004.
[41] Fradier, E., Beuf, A., Peureux, A., Dugas, V., Souteyrand, E., Martin, J. R., Cloarec, J. P., Bellis, M., Pousin, J., Plaza, F., Raynal, F., Carrière, P., Cabrera, M., in Journée du Programme Interdisciplinaire de Recherche du CNRS « Microfluidique et Microsystèmes Fluidiques », Toulouse, 2004.
[42] Hazot, P., Bou Chakra, E., Duclos, M. C., Cabrera, M., Wallach, J., Cloarec, J. P., in journee protéomic new insights and prospects 10th journee de gérland, gérland,Lyon, 2004.
[43] Rouillat, M. H., Dugas, V., Calevro, F., Cloarec, J. P., Phaner-Goutorbe, M., in Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Ax les Thermes-Bonascre, 2004.
[44] Rouillat, M. H., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J. P., Phaner-Goutorbe, M., in Nano–8 (8th International Conference on Nanometer Scale Science and Technology), Venise, Italie, 2004.
[45] Bessueille, F., Bras, M., Garrigues, M., Martin, J. R., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J. P., Cabrera, M., Chauvet, J. P., in Conférence Nanobiotechnologies II, Grenoble, 2003.
[46] Rouillat, M. H., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J. P., Phaner-Goutorbe, M., in Journées Surface et Interface, Lille, 2003.
[47] Rouillat, M. H., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J. P., Phaner-Goutorbe, M., in Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, Lyon, 2003.
[48] Phaner-Goutorbe, M., Rouillat, M. H., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J. P., in Nanobiotechnologies II, Grenoble, 2003.
[49] Phaner-Goutorbe, M., Olivares-Flores, J., Bessueille, F., Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., in Forum des microscopies à sonde locale 2001, La Baume les Aix, France, 2001.
[50] Phaner-Goutorbe, M., Olivares-Flores, J., Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., in Microscopy, Barcelona 2001, Barcelone, Espagne, 2001.
[51] Garrigues, M., Bras, M., Bessueille, F., Cloarec, J. P., Cabrera, M., Chauvet, J. P., Martin, J. R., Souteyrand, E., in Journées Micro et Nano Technologies, Paris, 2000.
[52] Cloarec, J. P., Martin, J. R., Polychronakos, C., Lawrence, I., Lawrence, M. F., Souteyrand, E., in Eurosensors XII, Vol. 2 (Ed.: N. M. White), 1998, pp. 793-796.