I am currently working as an associate professor at Ecole centrale of Lyon and at the Institute of nanotechnology of Lyon.
- Research: I am part of the Electronic team of the laboratory and currently in charge of the working group on simulation and of the Reliable Ultra-low power Secure compuTing (RUST) group of the team. My research activities aim at evaluating the impact of emerging technologies on the hardware security of computing architectures.
- Teaching: I am part of the EEA teaching department of Ecole centrale of Lyon and involved in the 3 year of the enigneering formation and part of the EEA department council. I am in charge of 1 first year lecture, 2 second year module and 1 third year module.
I worked as PostDoc researcher in the SESAM team of the Hubert Curien laboratory in Saint-Etienne. As a researcher, I was involved in the TEEVA project aiming at evaluating the security of the Arm Trustzone technology integrated inside System on Chip comprising both processors and FPGA. For this project I took part on the following tasks:
- Setting up the Arm Trustzone in SoC device such as Xilinx Zynq and Intel Cyclone V FPGA.
- Attacks on the system in form of modification of the communication protocol between the processor and the FPGA linked to the Trustzone integration.