Lab: Linked Opend Data & SparQL
- Stéphane Derrode & Lamia Derrode, Centrale Lyon, Mathematics & Computer Sciences Dpt
- Answer 10 queries on the Linked Open Data (LOD) database called DBPedia.
- Come up with an original query on the Nobel Price LOD database.
Table of contents
Practice with DBPedia¶
1. Setup¶
First, install sparqlkernel:
pip install sparqlkernel
jupyter sparqlkernel install --user bob
and use VSCode to execute your queries. Here is a template notebook you can use to test your installation and complete latter with your own queries.
2. Some useful URIs and prefixes¶
foaf:Person | Class | Class of persons |
dbo:City | Class | Class of cities |
dbo:Country | Class | Class of countries |
foaf:name | Property | Name of a person (among other things) |
dbo:birthDate | Property | Birth date of a person |
dbo:birthPlace | Property | Birthplace of a person |
dbo:deathDate | Property | Death date of a person |
dbo:deathPlace | Property | Death place of a person |
dbo:city | Property | City |
dbo:country | Property | Country to which a place belongs |
dbo:mayor | Property | Mayor of a city |
dbr:Lyon | Instance | The city of Lyon |
dbr:France | Instance | France |
Generally, to find a prefix, visit this site.
3. Ten queries to elaborate…¶
TIP If you want to check the correctness of a query in terms of syntax, use SparQL query-validator. As a bonus, it re-indents and improves the readability of your code!
- Show the URLs of people born in Lyon (i.e., latter called Lyonnais). Here is the expected query:
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbr: <>
?p a foaf:Person;
dbo:birthPlace dbr:Lyon.
Check that specifying or not specifying ?p
as Person
class does not change the result (the property dbo:birthPlace
applies only to people in DBPedia, so it’s not necessary to specify that we are looking for a person!).
- Show the URLs and names (
) of Lyonnais, in alphabetical order. Why do some Lyonnais have an empty name? (TIP: check their profile). It is not required to solve this issue. - Show the names and birthdates of Lyonnais.
- Show the names and birthdates of Lyonnais born after 1900 (
), including their death date if applicable. - Show the names of all Lyonnais who died in Lyon.
- Show the names of all Lyonnais who died outside of France.
We need to distinguish between the case where the death place is a country or a city. If the death place is a country, simply check that it is not France. If the death place is a city, check that the city is not in France, meaning there is no link between the city and France.
?deathPlace a ?deathPlaceType.
FILTER ((?deathPlaceType = dbo:Country && ?deathPlace != dbr:France) ||
(?deathPlaceType = dbo:City && NOT EXISTS { ?deathPlace dbo:country dbr:France }))
- Show all French cities whose mayor is a native.
- Show all French mayors (i.e., mayors of French cities) born outside France.
- Show the number of French mayors born outside France.
- Show the 10 cities with the most natives listed in DBPedia, sorted in descending order of native count.
Querying the Nobel Prize database¶
Assignment Come up with a one or two queries for this database.
Nobel Prize endpoint access.
The data structure description can be found here. It is well done and relatively easy to understand!
PREFIX nobel: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
?person a nobel:Laureate;
rdfs:label ?name;
} LIMIT 10
Other LOD databases¶
There are search engines for databases on a user-chosen topic. However, be aware that many of the databases proposed by these engines are inaccessible (obsolete). You will need to try several before finding a valid one!
Below are examples of recently tested databases, along with a sample query. For others, feel free to consult The Linked Open Data Cloud !
TIP : When you don’t know a database, you can easily find the most used classes with this query
?sub a ?obj .
1. WikiData endpoint access.¶
I advise against using this database because the queries are quite unreadable (all classes and properties are labeled as codes, like wd:Q6256). It is maybe better to use Yago, see below.
This query lists the identifiers of countries in the database.PREFIX bd: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
SELECT ?object ?objectLabel
?object wdt:P31 wd:Q6256.
?object wdt:P463 wd:Q458
SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,en" .} #For labels in English and French
2. Yago endpoint access.¶
This query lists the properties associated with Elvis Presley.PREFIX yago: <>
SELECT ?property (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?valueOrObject; separator=", ") AS ?values)
yago:Elvis_Presley ?property ?valueOrObject .
GROUP BY ?property
3. European Patent Ontology endpoint access¶
The description of the data structure can be found here.
PREFIX patent: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX st3: <>
PREFIX text: <>
PREFIX vcard: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?application ?appNum ?filingDate ?authority {
?application rdf:type patent:Application ;
patent:applicationNumber ?appNum ;
patent:filingDate ?filingDate ;
patent:applicationAuthority ?authority.
} LIMIT 10
4. Bibliotheque Nationale de France endpoint access¶
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX bio: <>
SELECT ?auteur ?jour ?date1 ?date2 ?nom
?auteur foaf:birthday ?jour.
?auteur bio:birth ?date1.
?auteur bio:death ?date2.
OPTIONAL {?auteur foaf:name ?nom.}
ORDER BY (?jour)
An author's URI can be obtained by running the following query:
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?auteur
?auteur a foaf:Person.
?auteur foaf:name "Honoré de Balzac".
5. Musiekweb endpoint access¶
Example #1
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX vocab: <>
?artist a vocab:Performer.
?artist rdfs:label ?artistlabel
Example #2
PREFIX vocab: <>
?artist a vocab:Performer;
?prop ?val.
6. OpenStreetMap endpoint access¶
SELECT ?ecole ?site ?niveau ?coord
?ecole osmt:amenity "school";
osmt:website ?site;
osmt:grades ?niveau;
osmm:loc ?coord.
limit 10
7. DBLP endpoint access¶
This query lists the number of theses by university in _dblp_ (access the human-readable version of _dblp_ [here]( dblp: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?school (COUNT(DISTINCT ?thesis) as ?count) WHERE {
?thesis rdf:type dblp:Book .
?thesis dblp:thesisAcceptedBySchool ?school .
GROUP BY ?school
8. Others¶
- CIA World Factbook endpoint access
- Bio2Rdf endpoint access